Monavie just released an all-natural energy drink to accompany the already amazing products that Monavie has to offer. The new energy drink is called Emv, which stands for “Energy to the power of Monavie.” The energy drink is all-natural and is made of 80% juice, including the coveted Acai berry, Acerola, Camu Camu, Capuacu, Apple, Grape, and Pear. The caffeine comes from natural forms such as Yerbe Mate and Green Tea extract. There is no added sugar, artificial sweetener, colorings, or preservatives.
Mark Frank Montoya has been a huge advocate of Emv. He recently left Monster to promote a new movement of health and awareness. With his help I was able to host a few events over 4th of July weekend to be able to start spreading the word and educating people about their health.
July 2nd is not a day most people would associate with a snowboard rail jam in Portland, Oregon; but on this day it was. The temperature was well above 90 degrees and the 2 tons of snow was melting fast, but that didn’t stop the 40 snowboarders that contended in the event. The event turned out to be an epic party at Epic Snowboard Shop on NW 23rd and Vaughn.
The event started with an introduction from Mark Frank Montoya. He brought his party bus and entourage of professional snowboarders to hype the new energy drink.
Once the event began there was plenty of action. The riders were getting creative on the two features that were built by Axiomatic apparel. There were two rail setups in the middle of the parking lot. The guys were throwing down some heavy tricks, including a transfer gap from one feature to another. The girls were also throwing down and giving the guys a run for their money.
Spectators and sponsors surrounded the parking lot. Rome SDS brought with them, Team Terror. Other sponsors include Smith Optics, DC, Axiomatic, Grenade, Cilla, Drop, Spacecraft, Frequency magazine, Neff, MHSS, Monavie, and Pyramid. The rail jam also benefited the S.O.S. outreach program.
The spectators were taking advantage of the 3 free kegs of beer provided by Pyramid Brewery along with the many other attractions to keep people entertained. Three different Dj’s were keeping the music lively and Sharpening Markers played a set that kept everyone wanting more. We also had artist, Andrew Dvoracek, contributed paintings that fit the health and wellness theme.
July 3rd was an art event at Evo Gear, an amazing shop in the heart of Seattle. Evo is a shop that really reaches to the community and interacts with the industry on many different levels. On this particular night Evo was hosting an art show in their gallery to show case all of the art work from their own employees. The event was called “helping hands.” Evo was nice enough to let us participate in the event.
MFM spent most of his time having plenty of one-on-one interaction with people to spread the word of Monavie. People were enjoying themselves with free beer donated by Pyramid brewery and the music provided by Tronix.
Evo did a really good job of putting together a video about the event. You can check it out at http://vimeo.com/5470246.
July 4th was a blast. We went to the lake and swam for a while. There was this great little island that you could swim to with a diving board. That made things a little interesting. From there we went to the waterfront to watch the fireworks and grabbed some drinks afterwards. We ran into John Kaiser and his girlfriend Nicole and then ended up having a dance party on the bus. Molly, Sara, Chris, and Ang stumbled upon the party and added to the good times.
The last event was on July 5th at Stevens Pass Snowboard Shop in Gold Bar, Wa. The rail jam was held on a double barrel rail that had stairs on each side with scaffolding to get your speed from. The owners of the shop, Tony and D, really wanted to make the event a success. They shoveled away on their Fourth of July to make sure there was enough snow the next day. Everyone that showed up had a great time and the top riders walked away with cash and prizes.